MyRef LETTER WRITING AND FILING PROGRAM INSTRUCTION MANUAL The diskette delivered with this manual contains the MyRef program, data files, some demonstration files, and text file extracts from this manual: MYREF.TXT A description of the MyRef writing and filing system. REGISTR.TXT How to register as a MyRef user and obtain program updates, or to request site licencing information. MANUAL.TXT How to install and use MyRef to write and file letters. MyRef DESCRIPTION MyRef is a program for writing letters and filing them by reference number. The filed letters can be retrieved from a list of reference numbers displayed on the screen. You can type a letter or memo and give it a reference number, print and mail it, transfer it to a fax or E-mail directory, and file it in the MyRef system. When you receive a reply to your letter quoting your reference number, you can look up the reference number on MyRef and retrieve your copy of the letter you sent. This copy can be displayed, printed, or copied but it cannot be altered and the original remains on file. The MyRef mini text processor is a three layer processor (like three transparencies laid on top of each other). You can see all three layers but you only type on one layer at a time. Layer 1 is used for the text of the letter, layer 2 is used for introducing boiler plate (stock letter material), and layer 3 shows you the page format (lines drawn on layer 3 serve as margins, tabs, and columns for the other layers). Layers 1 and 3 are always displayed but layer 2 is only displayed when it is the current layer or when it is being copied. The layer you are working on (the current layer) is high-lighted. Any layer can be made the current layer and it can be typed on, copied to, or cleared. All three layers normally scroll together but layer 2 can be locked so that stock text can be positioned for copying into your letter. Vertical lines drawn on the layer 3 become margins for it and the other layers and, although they can be seen while the letter is being typed, they do not need to appear in the finished letter. In this way a page, or part of a page, can be divided into columns and boxes and each can be typed independently of the rest of the letter. Text inserted or deleted in a column has no effect on the other columns. This feature can be used for address boxes and is particularly useful for price quoting, purchase orders, billing, etc. If you do not require columns in all or part of your letter you can set conventional margins and use the vertical lines drawn on layer 3 as tab stops. A mouse is used to select functions from a menu bar and for erasing, copying, inserting the date and reference number, inserting the address from a list, drawing boxes and lines, and moving the text cursor. When the right mouse button is held down, wiping the mouse cursor over text erases the characters in the current layer. When the mouse copy function is selected the mouse does not erase but copies characters to the current layer. MyRef does have some limitations - it does not work well on very slow PCs and the maximum letter size is 120 lines. MyRef files your letters (and your letters written on other word processors) on a continuous letter file. Not by filename and extension on conventional DOS files. It keeps a record of their location by reference number. This record also contains your correspondent's name and the date the letter was written. CONTENTS TO INSTALL MyRef page 1 TO CUSTOMIZE MyRef page 1 TO START MyRef page 2 THE MyRef MENU BAR page 2 OTHER MOUSE FUNCTIONS page 5 KEYBOARD FUNCTIONS page 5 CURSOR POSITION INDICATORS page 6 TUTORIAL page 7 TO INSTALL MyRef: The program and data files should be transferred to a directory on your hard disk called C:\XLAY. To do this, type INSTALL while the program diskette is still in the drive, or type the following routine: MD C:\XLAY Make a directory called XLAY on drive C: COPY *.XLY C:\XLAY COPY *.COM C:\XLAY COPY *.EXE C:\XLAY COPY *.XBP C:\XLAY COPY *.PAR C:\XLAY If you wish to transfer the text files, type: COPY *.TXT or COPY *.WPD If your printer requires an initialization file this should be copied to C:\XLAY and renamed INIT.BIN. TO CUSTOMIZE MyRef Type MYSET to set MyRef to suit your system. This program displays a menu screen that allows you to make the MyRef program compatible with the video adapter in your PC (VEGA or Hercules, monochrome or color). The directories used for storing temporary files of letters to be faxed or E-mailed can be changed to your requirements, and you can set the date format used by MyRef. TO START MyRef Type MYREF to start the program and with the reference number series that was last used. A new copy of the program will use Ref: numbers prefixed with XLY0, starting with XLY0001. You can choose a different Ref: number prefix by typing MYREF followed by your own four character prefix: MYREF Starts MyRef and activates the Ref:number series that was last used. MYREF FS_4 (for example) Starts MyRef and creates or activates Ref:number series FS_4. The first number in this series will be FS_4001. You can use any combination of four letters and figures to create a Ref: number series - PUNCTUATION MARKS AND LOWER CASE LETTERS ARE NOT ALLOWED. If you try to use punctuation marks or lower case letters you will get an error message. When MyRef is loaded and ready to use, the MyRef menu bar is displayed at the top of the screen along with a copyright message. The copyright message will disappear as soon as you move your mouse and the mouse cursor position will be shown, in inches, above the menu on the left side of the screen. A text cursor position indicator (in lines and columns) will also appear when the text cursor is moved. THE MyRef MENU BAR. All the functions for writing and filing letters are displayed on a menu bar at the top of the screen. To call a function, move the mouse cursor on to the appropriate menu box and press the left mouse button. The menu functions are (from left to right): L1, L2, L3: These three functions set the current layer. Layer 1 is where you type your letter, layer 2 is for copying stock pages, and layer 3 is used for the page format. Select the current layer by moving the mouse cursor onto L1, L2, or L3 and press the left mouse button. TEXT: "Mouse" this function to exit from any other function. "Mouse" it again to set the margins. Repeated calls will cycle through all the margin functions, displaying a message to tell you how to use each function. Left and right margins are set by moving the mouse cursor in the text area to where you want to set the margin. Top and bottom margins are set in inches. DRAW: This function allows you to draw lines and rectangles on the current layer by marking two points with the mouse. For horizontal and vertical lines - mark the ends with the mouse. For rectangles - mark opposite corners. Lines and rectangles can be extended by scrolling the screen with the text cursor keys (the mouse page position is shown in inches above the menu bar). The function will toggle between "lines" and "rectangles" each time you "mouse" the DRAW function. To quit drawing, "mouse" the TEXT function. COPY: "Mouse" this function to copy to the current layer from either of the other two layers, or to clear the current layer. Repeated calls to COPY will cycle through the different possibilities. When you confirm a copy function you are asked if you wish to copy the entire page. If you confirm, all the characters, but not the spaces, are copied onto the current layer (for layer 2, they are moved, not copied). If you do not confirm the entire page copy, and "mouse" COPY again, you can copy characters by wiping over them with the mouse while the right-hand mouse button is held down. Note that although layer 2 is hidden, it will be displayed when "copy layer 3" is active. Pages to be copied from layer 2 can be positioned vertically by using the key. When this key is pressed layer 2 does not scroll with the other two layers but remains fixed while layers 1 & 2 are scrolled up and down the screen with the up and down arrow keys. To quit COPY, "mouse" TEXT. LOAD: This function is used only after a DIR function call to get pages from stock. It is described with the DIR function, below. SAVE: "Mouse" this function to save pages for stock. Stock pages can be letters, format pages, or forms. The margin settings are saved with the pages. After typing a page, or making up a format page with the DRAW function, call SAVE to save it in the "boiler plate" file. A message will ask you to give a name to the page and MyRef will add the extension. Stock pages saved in this way can be recalled with the DIR function and used in your letters. PRNT: This is the print function. It uses the DOS PRINT program (PRINT.COM) to print new or filed pages. PRINT.COM must be installed before using this function (your DOS manual explains how to do this). When PRNT is "moused" it displays a message asking if you wish to print the displayed text. If you confirm, the letter shown on the screen will be printed with whatever top and bottom margins you have set with the TEXT function. If you "mouse" PRNT again it displays a message asking if you wish to print by reference number. Confirming this option displays a list of all your filed letters, then you can use the up and down cursor keys to select the letter you wish to print. Press to print the letter. DIR: "Mouse" this function to display the directory of stock pages, select the page with the cursor keys, then press . The LOAD function then becomes active and you can decide which layer to load your page into. Format pages should be loaded into layer 3. Each time LOAD is "moused" a message tells you where the stock page will be loaded and asks for confirmation. REF: "Mouse" this function to display a list of your filed letters. Each entry shows the reference number,the date of the letter and your correspondent's name. Use the up and down cursor keys to select the letter you wish to read, then press to display it. FILE: "Mouse" this function to file a letter by reference number and correspondent's name. When you have typed a letter and given it a date and reference number with the DATE function, you can file it with this function. A message will ask for confirmation, then you are asked to enter the name of your correspondent. If you do not confirm, but "mouse" the FILE function again, you can file a letter from another source (eg. typed on a word processor). In this case, the letter must be a DOS format ASCII text file and you must enter its path and file name. You can file it under the next reference number in the sequence, or you can enter a different reference number, along with a correspondent's name or other information. DATE: This function displays a message asking you to move the mouse cursor to the position in your letter where you wish to insert the date and reference number. When the mouse cursor is in position, press the left mouse button to insert the date and reference number into your letter and into the file log. The reference number will be automatically incremented. ADDR: ADDR is the letter addressing function. It gives two possibilities - you can edit an address list or you can insert an address from the list into your letter. Just follow the screen message instructions. MAIL: Use this function to copy a letter into a fax or E-mail directory for subsequent transmission by fax- modem, modem, or LAN. The directories can be set with the MySet program. DOS: This function allows you to leave the Myref program resident and return to DOS. All data remains intact and you can resume your letter writing and filing by typing MyRef. If you need to quit MyRef (if there is not sufficient memory to allow it to stay resident), press the F7 function key. OTHER MOUSE FUNCTIONS CURSOR DRAG: Move the mouse cursor onto the text cursor and click the left mouse button - Move the mouse cursor to any position on the screen and click the left button again - the text cursor will move to this new position. MOUSE ERASE: Wipe the mouse cursor over text or lines while holding down the right mouse button. Characters and lines on the current layer are erased. MOUSE COPY: When MOUSE COPY is selected by the copy function, wipe the mouse cursor over text or lines while holding down the right mouse button. Characters and lines are copied onto the current layer. KEYBOARD FUNCTIONS With few exceptions, the keyboard functions are standard: TAB is implemented on vertical lines drawn on layer 3. BACK TAB (shift tab) is implemented on vertical lines drawn on layer 3. BACKSPACE acts like a left arrow key in "typeover" mode and as a normal backspace key in "insert" mode. CTRL-END deletes to the end of the line and, if the cursor is on the left margin, it deletes the line and moves the text up to fill the space. INS (Insert) toggles the INSERT/TYPEOVER functions. When INSERT is active a small black square shows in the top left corner of the menu bar. CTRL-HOME toggles the COLUMN WRAP function. When this function is active a small black square shows above the menu bar at the top left of the screen. When this function is not active, the text wraps around on the left and right margins in the normal way. When COLUMN WRAP is active, the text wraps around on vertical lines drawn on layer 3. This allows you to divide all or parts of a page into columns or boxes. Each column (the space between two vertical lines) extends: - To the next horizontal line, - To the end of the left side vertical line, or - To the end of the letter (120 lines) SCROLL LOCK locks the layer 2 scroll only. By locking layer 2 while scrolling the other layers text and lines on layer 2 can be positioned for moving from layer 2 to any vertical position on the other layers. CURSOR POSITION INDICATORS There are two cursor position indicators above the menu bar at the top of the screen. The mouse cursor position is shown on the left and is given in inches. The text cursor position indicator is on the right and shows: The current layer The page number The line number on the page The column number The size of the top margin. TUTORIAL This is a short description of how to use MyRef to display filed letters and how to use the various functions to write and file new letters. Type MYREF to start the program: The menu bar is displayed across the top of the screen along with the copyright message. Retrieve a filed letter Move the mouse to position the cursor on the REF: function: The copyright message disappears. Press the left mouse button: A list of filed demonstration letters is displayed below the menu bar. Each entry in the list gives the reference number of the letter, the date it was filed, the name of the person who received the letter, and the name of the letter file in use at the time. Use the up and down arrow keys to move the light bar to the letter you would like to read. Then press the Enter key. The letter is retrieved from the file and displayed on the screen. "Mouse" the REF: function again and retrieve a different letter. Write, print, and file a letter Move the mouse to position the cursor on the DIR function and press the left mouse button: A directory of stock pages is displayed. Use the arrow keys to position the light bar on file XMAS.XBP, then press . The file name is displayed on the menu bar. Move the mouse cursor onto the LOAD function and press the left mouse button. Press it again until the message "LOAD LAYER 1" appears. Move the mouse cursor to the "CONFIRM" indicator and press the left mouse button: A stock letter is displayed. "Mouse" the DATE function: A message will tell you to position the mouse cursor where you wish to place the date. Do this and press the left mouse button. The date and Ref: number will appear, along with a message asking you to type your correspondent's name, and a cursor will flash in the menu bar. Type the name of your correspondent at the cursor, then . Move the text cursor with the arrow keys, or with the mouse, and type any modifications you wish to make to the letter. Switch on your printer. "Mouse" the PRNT function: The PRINT DISPLAYED TEXT message appears. Confirm with the mouse and your letter will be printed. "Mouse" the FILE function to display the message: FILE THIS LETTER? Confirm with the mouse and your letter will be filed. "Mouse" the REF: function to check that your new letter is included in the list of filed letters. Type a letter for a window envelope. Move the mouse to position the cursor on the DIR function and press the left mouse button: A directory of stock pages is displayed. Use the arrow keys to position the light bar on file WIN_ENV.XBP for a window on the left of the envelope, or EUR_WIN.XPB for a window on the right of the envelope, and press . The file name is displayed on the menu bar. Move the mouse cursor onto the LOAD function and press the left mouse button. Press it again until the message "LOAD LAYER 3" appears. Move the mouse cursor to the "CONFIRM" indicator and press the left mouse button. A format page for window envelope letters is loaded onto layer 3 and can be seen on the screen. The margins are set to the values in use when the format page was made. Now move the text cursor into the address window: First move the mouse cursor onto the text cursor and press the left mouse button: The menu bar indicators will clear. Then move the mouse cursor into the address box: The menu bar indicators will restore and the text cursor will be positioned in the address box. Press CTRL-HOME to activate the wrap around on vertical lines: A small black square will show in the top left of the menu bar. Now type the address in the address box: Text will wrap around at the right vertical line and will take the text cursor to the left vertical line of the address box. Press CTRL-HOME to clear the wrap around. "Mouse" the DATE function: A message will tell you to position the mouse cursor where you wish to place the date. Do this and press the left mouse button. The date and Ref: number will appear, along with a message asking you to type your correspondent's name (at a cursor in the menu bar). Type a name, then . Then move the text cursor to the start of your letter and start typing. The tab and back tab keys will move the cursor to the vertical lines. If you press the insert key it will show a black square at the top left corner of the screen and text can be inserted. Press the insert key again to return to the "typeover" condition. To type part of your letter in columns, press CTRL-HOME. Each column between two vertical lines can then be typed separately and the tab keys allow you to jump from column to column. If you wish to have lines in the text between the columns, draw the lines on layer 1 with the DRAW function (described below). When you have finished the columns, press CTRL-HOME to return to full margin width typing. You can print your letter at any time by "mousing" the PRNT function and confirming the PRINT DISPLAYED LETTER message. When you are sure that your letter is finished, go to the FILE function, but remember that once it is filed it cannot be changed. Drawing lines and rectangles Use the DRAW function to draw lines and rectangles in your letter. A message will tell you to define the start of a line or the corner of a rectangle, "mouse" DRAW again if you wish to change the message. Move the mouse cursor to the point in your letter where you wish to draw a line or a rectangle. The cursor shape will change from a block to a cross when it enters the text area of the screen. Press the left mouse button to define the start of the line or rectangle. The message will change to ask you to define the end of the line or the opposite corner of the rectangle. Move the mouse cursor to the point where the line must end or where the opposite corner of the rectangle must be and press the left mouse button. You can use the text cursor arrows to scroll the letter if the line or rectangle must extend beyond the displayed text. When you have finished drawing, "mouse" TEXT. Making pages for stock Stock pages can be letters, format pages, or line drawings for borders and forms. "Mouse" the COPY function to display the CLEAR CURRENT LAYER message, then confirm to give you a clear screen. "Mouse" the TEXT function to leave the COPY function and "mouse" it again to set the margins. The margin settings will be saved with the letter or format page and restored each time the page is used. If you are going to make a pair of stock pages for the same form letter - a format page and page of borders and stock text - it is a good idea to make your format page first, on layer 3. Then you can use it to make your stock letter page and be sure that the two pages are in alignment. But don't forget to save both pages with different names - FORML1 and FORML3, for example. Remember that text on a layer 3 format page can be seen thro' layers 1 and 2 but does not print and is not filed with the finished letter. This makes it possible to include notes and instructions on a stock format page that will remind you how to use the letter form. Or you can include, for example, a credit card authorization box and copy it into your letter when you need it, with the MOUSE COPY function.